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Northwest Norton owners

2019 D.I.C. Ride (Damn It's Cold!) CANCELLED

  • December 21, 2019
  • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Buzz Inn


Registration is closed

Annual D.I.C Ride UPDATE


Back by popular demand - the shortest ride on the shortest day!


Watch for updates

Meet at the BUZZ INN Snohomish

9900 Airport Way, Snohomish, WA 98296

Kickstands up at 11:00 but arrive earlier if you want to join some of us for breakfast. 

If you think you might be  interested  register as MAYBE to get last minute updates. 

If the weather is bad to the point of being unsafe, the ride will be canceled and we will notify everyone who registered via e-mail. So, please RSVP so you will be on the notification list. 

As always..... if travelling to the starting point makes your ride too long in the cold you are encouraged to go for a short ride close to home and send a picture to the Atlas editor as proof you weren't a wimp and actually rode your bike on that day. 

Watch the website and e-mails for updates. 

Dedicated to the Preservation and Use of Norton Motorcycles

Founded in 1991 by Steve Neal & Garry Scheving



Mark Zenor

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