Join us for the 2020 NWNO Summer Solstice Ride!
This will be the first official ride of the year for NWNO, time to trickle the charge, tickle the carbs and ride sort of far.
We will meet at the Woodinville Park and Ride (Technically, the Brickyard Road Park and Ride). Click HERE for map. I-405 &160th st exit.
The rough plan is to ride the back roads of Woodinville, Cathcart, High Bridge Road to Carnation and Fall City. We will look for a lunch stop and a place to end for socializing.
Sign up below so we have a count and watch for updates.
Thanks to John Hill for organizing this event.
Dedicated to the Preservation and Use of Norton Motorcycles
Founded in 1991 by Steve Neal & Garry Scheving
Mark Zenor