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Northwest Norton owners

Spring Equinox Ride CANCELLED

  • March 19, 2022
  • 11:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Whidbey Island

******** CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN ********

WINOS would like to invite all to Whidbey Island for a spring outing.

Departure at 11:30 AM from the 76 station by Dairy Queen at top of hill once you depart Ferry.

Ferry service can be down to one boat these days so it may be good idea to check the WSF website that morning. If it is only one boat service Ferry departs from Mulkiteo at top of hour and Clinton on the half hour. Motorcycles still get priority boarding at both locations so you can proceed to head of the line.

Ride will loop around the Southern part of Island with a planned stop at Hong Kong Gardens for food beverage and awesome views.

The restaurant is also within a half mile of the Clinton Ferry for easier departure

Questions? Contact John Hill 206 251 6714

In event of adverse weather following Saturday March 26th is possible back up date

Dedicated to the Preservation and Use of Norton Motorcycles

Founded in 1991 by Steve Neal & Garry Scheving



Mark Zenor

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