We are cancelling the Zoom meeting but will be meeting in person at the Holiday Party. See you there!
NWNO Monthly Meeting via ZOOM
Note important changes below
THIS IS THE MEETING LINK: https://zoom.us/j/98973763102
As per our custom, the meeting is open to all, members or not. However, you must RSVP to indicate that you are planning to attend. Anybody with the above link can attend but we would appreciate an RSVP. If you RSVP you will receive a reminder the day before with the same link as above. If you don't RSVP you will not get the link so don't loose this e-mail. NOTE: The link is the same for all our monthly meetings (for now).
We are looking forward to seeing members from around the state, country and globe!
If you have an agenda item you want to discuss send it ahead of time to Mark at President@nwno.org so he can get it on the list.
Dedicated to the Preservation and Use of Norton Motorcycles
Founded in 1991 by Steve Neal & Garry Scheving
Mark Zenor