Old Britts

Commando Stainless Rim

The prices are current as of 02/12/21, but do not include any shipping charges.


We currently list three, 40 spoke stainless rims drilled for Commando hubs, but we can normally get this rims in different sizes. These rims are made in England by Devon. You can order the rim drilled for your hub or you can send us your hub and we will have a rim drilled, laced and trued to your hub for $107.00 (not including the cost of the spokes or nipples).

The Commando rims are:
06-7712/SS, WM3x19, Commando front or rear drum, $312.00.
06-1951/SS, WM3x19, Commando front disc, $302.00.
06-6119/SS, WM3x19, MK3 rear disc, $302.00.

Note: Rim sizes - WM3 = 2.15" inside width, WM4 = 2.5" inside width.
The recommended tire sizes for a WM3 are: 4.00" to 4.25" or 100 to 110 Metric.
The recommended tire sizes for a WM4 are: 4.50" to 5.10" or 110 to 120 Metric.


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